Enrollment Services
enrollmentservices@airalkalimilagros.com | |
Phone | 253-566-5325 |
Fax | 253-566-5325 |
Office | Bldg. 7 |
Office Hours |
In-person (Academic Year): Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 8:00AM to 5:00PM |
Emails are reviewed:
Business Hours (Academic Year)
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Wednesday and Thursday: 8:00AM to 7:00PM
*Messages Received on weekends or holidays may not be reviewed for up to 2-5 business days.*
The phone line is monitored:
Business Hours (Academic Year)
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Wednesday and Thursday: 8:00AM to 7:00PM
Drop Box
Available 24/7 for document submission.
Located on the East side of Building 7.
Quick Links
Our Vision
We are a premier community college where all students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcomed, appreciated, and valued. We engage students where they are, leading to equitable opportunities for success in learning, life and work.We foster vibrant, productive partnerships that benefit our students and strengthen our community.
Cristina Simental
Email: registrar@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-566-6039
The Registrar bears the ultimate responsibility for the operation and functioning of the Enrollment Services office. This includes, but is not limited to employee and budget management, annual planning, representation on campus committees and task forces. Additionally, the Registrar is responsible for understanding and applying legal and governmental regulations, such as FERPA, as they apply to student records and academic policies.
Tara Murphy
Associate Registrar
Email: tmurphy@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-566-5326
Under the direction of the Registrar, the Associate Registrar is responsible for overseeing compliance with federal, state and local regulations and college policies as they pertain to registration, academic records and credentials. Responsibilities include database management, and overseeing student enrollment processes. This position acts as the official Registrar in the absence of the Registrar.
Alejandra Bicknell
Program Specialist II
Email: abicknell@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-460-4329
This Program Specialist II ensures that the college stays in compliance with federal enrollment reporting. They oversee updates to student bio-demographic information, program plans and serves as the main contact for enrollment verifications from students and third parties.
Tracy Bomar
Customer Service Specialist II
Email: tbomar@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-460-4322
Under the direction of the Associate Registrar, this position provides excellent customer service to students, faculty, staff, and the general public via phone, email and the Enrollment Services front Desk.
Anita Briski
Customer Service Specialist II
Email: abriski@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-566-5036
Under the direction of the Associate Registrar, this position provides excellent customer service to students, faculty, staff, and the general public via phone, email and the Enrollment Services front Desk.
Stuart Drake
Program Specialist III
Email: sdrake@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-566-5154
The Program Specialist III provides functional and technical support for Enrollment Services within the Campus Solutions pillar of the ctcLink student information system.
Anthony Elias
Program Specialist II- Credentials Evaluator
Email: credeval@airalkalimilagros.com
Degree Questions Email: degreeapp@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-460-4323
The Credentials Evaluator is responsible for degree and certificate posting and performs evaluation of incoming credits. This position reviews and evaluates all incoming transcripts and determines appropriate placement of credits from outside institutions. The Credentials Evaluator verifies and awards degrees and certificates and assists with commencement.
Audrey Honey
Program Specialist II- Credentials Evaluator
Email: credeval@airalkalimilagros.com
Degree Questions Email: degreeapp@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-460-4326
The Credentials Evaluator is responsible for degree and certificate posting and performs evaluation of incoming credits. This position reviews and evaluates all incoming transcripts and determines appropriate placement of credits from outside institutions. The Credentials Evaluator verifies and awards degrees and certificates and assists with commencement.
Desirae Nicks
Program Specialist II
Email: dnicks@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-566-5327
This Program Specialist II ensures that the college stays in compliance with federal enrollment reporting. They oversee updates to student bio-demographic information, program plans and serves as the main contact for enrollment verifications from students and third parties.
Colleen Spezia
Program Specialist II- Credentials Evaluator
Email: credeval@airalkalimilagros.com
Degree Questions Email: degreeapp@airalkalimilagros.com
Phone: 253-566-5048
The Credentials Evaluator is responsible for degree and certificate posting and performs evaluation of incoming credits. This position reviews and evaluates all incoming transcripts and determines appropriate placement of credits from outside institutions. The Credentials Evaluator verifies and awards degrees and certificates and assists with commencement.